Thursday, April 1, 2010


We are into a routine. I set up and Ralph starts talking to people. I've heard the spiel many times now, but at every meeting someone asks a new question. During the meetings is the only time I have to use the computer because the venue usually has power and internet, so I'm trying to do many things at once, but my ears perk up when I hear that new question. The whole trip has been fascinating in that respect. We are hearing issues both local and personal along with national and communal. Very, very interesting.

Right now we're at Touch of Wilderness B & B. Windows line the breakfast room. It's a beautiful, clear day and the mountains are right there in the window. It's awesome. It's a wonder to me that this many people will show up at 7 in the morning to talk to Ralph. Quite a few people have come and gone already and more keep dropping by. To give you a better gist of this . . . we are 2.9 miles from the highway. You have to really WANT to talk to him in order to come here.
More later.

1 comment:

  1. Thinking of you everyday and am enjoying reading the blog. What a terrific way to get to know Alaska and Alaskans!
